Saturday, December 22, 2007

Local Media contact information

It's ALWAYS a good time to write letters to the media in support of recycling!

Addresses for local news outlets:

Antrim County News
206 N. Bridge Street
P. O. Box 337
Bellaire, MI, 49615

Antrim Review
123 N. Bridge Street
PO Box 313
Bellaire MI, 49615

Elk Rapids Town Meeting
204 River Street
P. O. Box 335
Elk Rapids, MI, 49629

Northern Express Weekly
P.O. Box 209
Traverse City, MI 49685-0209

Township Supervisor Names and Addresses

Banks Township - no presentation was requested - We do not yet have a clear idea of why Banks Township rejected the opportunity to hear a presentation on recycling. Please call or write your supervisors, or attend a township meeting, and ask them why they're not interested in a recycling program!

Thomas Mann, Supervisor
9657 Circle Drive, Ellsworth, 49729

Township meetings Monday, August 20 and Monday, September 17 at 7:30 (3rd Monday of each month)

Central Lake Township - presentation pending - Central Lake Township has a recycling program. The county pays some money into this program so that all county residents can bring paper, newspaper, boxboard and cardboard to this site. That paper is trucked to a local dairy farmer for use as cow bedding. While this is an excellent use for box board, cardboard and other low quality papers, it does not offer an opportunity to market high value office paper in order to obtain a return from the market.

The Central Lake recycling program (beyond paper) is open to citizens of Central Lake and Torch Lake Township only. There is some history of argument/grievance/distrust against the county from the early days of the recycling program. We believe it would take a very compelling argument to convince Central Lake to open it's recycling center up to county management. Please ask them to work with the rest of the county to build a recycling program that works for everyone!

Stanley Bean, Supervisor
PO Box 748, Central Lake, 49622

Township meetings Wednesday, August 15 and Wednesday, September 19 at 7:00 (3rd Wednesday of each month)

Chestonia Township - undecided - the presentation was made on June 4. Chestonia seems to fall in the middle of the "maybe" pack - they have an interest in recycling, but are unwilling to levy a household fee on the winter tax roles without informed feedback from their community. They also were unsure of where a recycling station could be sited in the township. It's very important that you let them know you support recycling in Chestonia Township!

Robert Beckner, Supervisor
PO Box 97, Alba, 49611

Township meetings Monday, August 6 and Monday, September 3 (though this is labor day - call to see when they'll reschedule) at 7:00 (1st Monday of each month)

Custer Township - no presentation was requested - We do not yet have a clear idea of why Custer Township rejected the opportunity to hear a presentation on recycling. From what we understand, Custer has a millage that covers SIX bags of landfill-bound garbage a week. Please call or write your supervisors, or attend a township meeting, and ask them why they're not interested in a recycling program!

Robert Ricksgers, Supervisor
4236 Ricksgers Road, Alden, 49612

Township meetings Tuesday, August 14 and Tuesday, September 11 at 7:00 (2nd Tuesday of each month)

Echo Township - no presentation was requested - We do not yet have a clear idea of why Echo Township rejected the opportunity to hear a presentation on recycling. Please call or write your supervisors, or attend a township meeting, and ask them why they're not interested in a recycling program!

William Derenzy, Supervisor
4954 West Old State Rd, Central Lake, 49622

Township meetings Tuesday, August 7 and Tuesday, September 4 at 7:30 (1st Tuesday of each month)

Elk Rapids township - undecided - the presentation was made on June 12. Elk Rapids has an excellent system, though it's hours are limited. Still, there is hesitancy to "risk" this system by committing to a county wide program, and to add the household fee (though much OR all of that could be covered by the millage they currently charge!). Please ask them to work with the rest of the county to build a recycling program that works for everyone!

William White, Supervisor
PO Box 365, Elk Rapids, 49629

Forest Home Township - voted to support! - at the initial presentation, supervisor Terry Smith and others were strongly supportive of recycling, and were unhappy that efforts made in that direction years ago became too expensive to continue (a very different system from the current proposal). One board member was concerned with what he saw as taxing the populace without allowing a vote on the issue - though as a millage vote this would be only a small fraction of a mill.

At the second meeting of the Board there was unanimous consent to move forward with the program. Please write a letter of thanks and a request for continued support!

Terry Smith, Supervisor
PO Box 317, Bellaire, 49615

Township meetings Thursday, September 6 and Thursday, October 4 at 7:00 (1st Thursday of each month)

Helena Township - undecided - the presentation was made on July 12. Helena seems to fall in the middle of the "maybe" pack - they have an interest in recycling, but are unwilling to levy a household fee on the winter tax roles without informed feedback from their community. It's very important that you let them know you support recycling in Helena Township!

Penny Wagner, Supervisor
PO Box 241, Alden, 49612

Township meetings Thursday, August 9 and Thursday, September 13 at 7:00 (2nd Thursday of each month)

Jordan Township - unwilling to support - Jordan Township officials were overtly and eagerly hostile to the notion of a recycling program in their Township. They made it clear that they are happy with recycling at the East Jordan site in Charlevoix County, and actually claimed that they pay for the privilege (numbers varied from $1 to $1000 a year). Of course, these were either blatant misstatements or claims made in ignorance - There is no agreement between ANY Antrim County Townships and Charlevoix County. Please let them know that you expect a higher level of responsibility and concern for recycling in Jordan Township!

Joseph Haney, Sr., Supervisor
5700 St. Johns Road, East Jordan, 49727

Township meetings Monday, August 27 and Monday, September 24 at 7:30 (4th Monday of each month)

Kearney Township - undecided - the presentation was made on July 2. Despite the strong presence of recycling supporters in the audience, Kearney Township supervisor Tim Comben was hostile to the notion of paying for recycling. He said, a number of times, "I don't recycle and I don't want to pay for people who do". No vote was cast. Kearney agreed to post an ad in the paper asking for feedback from their constituents. Kearney Township is an extremely important victory, as without Kearney it would be very difficult to place a recycling center in Bellaire. Please write a letter to Tim Comben and attend the township meeting!

Timothy Comben, Supervisor
PO Box 51, Bellaire, 49615

Township meetings Monday, August 6 and Monday, September 3 at 7:00 (1st Monday of each month)

Mancelona Township - voted to support! - Mancelona Township officials were thoughtful and diligent in their questioning of the program and it's costs. Unlike many Township officials, Mancelona recognized that they were granted the right and the responsibility of leadership in matters like this one, and voted to support the process. Note that this does not mean that Mancelona (or any other Township) is in for good - only that they are willing to progress to the next step of obtaining quotes, exploring potential sites, etc. If you live in the Township, write them to let them know you support their decision and want them to continue moving forward with a recycling center in Mancelona!

Gerald C. Patrick, Supervisor
PO Box 248, Mancelona, 49659

Township meetings Monday, August 20 and Monday, September 17 at 7:00 (3rd Monday of each month)

Milton Township - undecided - the presentation was made on July 9. Milton seems to fall in the middle of the "maybe" pack - they have an interest in recycling, but are unwilling to levy a household fee on the winter tax roles without informed feedback from their community. They also have an arrangement with Elk Rapids, and many community members admitted to taking advantage of the Acme site in Grand Traverse County. It's likely that Milton will support a county program if Elk Rapids makes the switch. It's very important that you let them know you support that switch!

Lon Bargy, Supervisor
4839 Cairn Hwy, Kewadin, 49648

Township meetings Monday, August 13 and Monday, September 10 at 7:00 (2nd Monday of each month)

Star Township - no presentation was requested - We do not yet have a clear idea of why Echo Township rejected the opportunity to hear a presentation on recycling. Please call or write your supervisors, or attend a township meeting, and ask them why they're not interested in a recycling program!

Richard Steel, Supervisor
9577 Alba Hwy, Elmira, 49730

Township meetings Wednesday, September 5 and Wednesday, October 3 at 7:30 (1st Wednesday of each month)

Torch Lake Township - unwilling to support - Torch Lake residents get a great deal. They are able to recycle at both Central Lake and Elk Rapids sites, and pay very little for the privilege (subsidized by waste fees at Central Lake and an Elk Rapids millage). Some folks also admitted to recycling in Acme when it was more convenient for them. As long as their sweet deal continues it's unlikely that they would choose to raise their own fees just to obtain a slight improvement in convenience. This situation may change with time.

Kim Schmidt, Supervisor
PO Box 713, Eastport, 49627

Township meetings Tuesday, August 16 and Tuesday, September 20 at 7:30 (3rd Tuesday of each month)

Warner Township - no presentation was requested - We do not yet have a clear idea of why Warner Township rejected the opportunity to hear a presentation on recycling. Please call or write your supervisors, or attend a township meeting, and ask them why they're not interested in a recycling program!

Matthew Dobrzelewski, Supervisor
1663 Dobleski Road, Elmira, 49730

Township meetings Wednesday, September 5 and Wednesday, October 3 at 7:00 (1st Wednesday of each month)

Senate Bills Introduced to Expand Recycling and Reduce Waste

Thanks, Pepper, for passing on this news...

Part of the Senate’s “Green Michigan Initiative,” will help state residents become better environmental stewards by expanding recycling opportunities and reducing waste. Much of the 19-bill legislative package recently introduced in the Senate is based upon recommendations from a year-long recycling task force in 2003.

The task force recommended the establishment of a Recycling Advisory Council that would develop a statewide recycling program, review state laws affecting recycling and make suggestions for grant and educational programs. Senate Bill 889 will create the council.

The enactment of landfill bans on certain items was also urged by the task force. Senate Bill 903 will place such a ban on consumer computer electronics and encourage more recycling.

A recycling program for consumer computer electronics will be created by Senate Bills 897 and 898. Similar consumer e-waste recycling programs have been used in other states where manufacturers and recycling stations are working together to take back specific electronics.

Other measures in the legislative package will:
Provide tax incentives for companies that invest in recycling;
Create a Recycling Trust Fund to accept revenue to stimulate local recycling centers;
Develop a recycling income tax checkoff;
Implement a new inspection program for out-of-state waste sorting facilities; and
Enact key landfill bans on newsprint, certain plastics and cardboard.

Senate Bills 889-907 have been sent to the Senate Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee for consideration.

An Overview of the PA 138 Campaign (Failed) Part Two

The recycling campaign has begun moving again, in a different direction.

This past Monday, October 29, the Solid Waste and Recycling Council met. Two important things happened. First, the commission determined once and for all that PA 138 was no longer a workable option to bring recycling to Antrim County (more information on that below). Second, the group voted to ask the County Commission to add a recycling millage to the ballot in November of 2008.

The County Commissioners need to approve that request, and will very likely make that decision at their next meeting. That meeting is on Thursday, October 8th at 9:00 am, on the second floor of the County Building in Bellaire.

This means two things. First: we need a strong public presence at the County Commissioners meeting. The only way to keep our representatives from passing the buck on this is to stand up at the meeting and tell them that you support ACTION on recycling. I regret that I have long-standing plans to be out of state next week. Please take an hour to attend and speak up in support of recycling.

Second, and most importantly: a millage proposal is without doubt a controversial and risky plan, particularly given the climate of the economy and the vocal anti-tax folks in the county. If the council agrees to put this on the ballot, we will need to run a campaign to make sure it passes. We'll be coming to you asking for contributions of time, money and resources. We'll need to educate the public about the problem with recycling in Acme and Charlevoix, fight off misinformation about the costs of recycling and otherwise convince a broad spectrum of our community to support this wise and worthwhile plan!

In other news, I'm sad to say that Raelene, while still a part of the press for recycling, has had to resign from the Solid Waste and Recycling Council to make time for her great new job. Her voice is very much missed at the council, and she will continue to be as active as she can in the process. Joe Meyers, the Associate Planner and another strong voice for the program, has also stepped back slightly to make room for the avalanche of other County business he needs to deal with every day. This means that we'll also be looking for additional leadership on this campaign - Raelene, Joe and I can't run the whole process ourselves, but we are definitely willing to be part of a broader group of hardworking recycling advocates!

As for PA 138, the council determined that in too many cases township commissioners were unwilling to take a leadership role in bringing recycling to their community. While there's no doubt that there was strong support for recycling in these communities, there simply wasn't the political clout to overcome the fear that many of these folks had in levying any additional fees or taxes on residents in their district.

The good news is that there IS strong support for recycling in the county, as efforts in Mancelona, Elk Rapids and Bellaire have proven. If we run a strong and smart campaign, we can win! We may be just a year away from a recycling program in Antrim County.

Thank you for your support of recycling in Antrim County! Let's make this effort pay off!


Brad Kik
Recycling Committee
Solid Waste & Recycling Council


In response to a few questions: first, we don't know what time the recycling issue will be on the agenda. We're pushing to make it as early as possible. Public comment is very early on the schedule, so even if you can't stay, you can show up, speak your voice and slip out when you need to. Second, we don't know exactly what this plan is going to look like, except that it will be similar to the plan proposed with PA 138: twenty-four hour drop off bins in multiple locations throughout the county, and a cost of around $20/household (though a millage will change the actual cost/per value of the household).

An Overview of the PA 138 Campaign (Failed) Part One

This is a long post, but in it is all of the essential information about the Antrim County recycling campaign of 2007 - township supervisor responses, arguments and talking points, names and numbers.

This blog will become active soon with plan B. If you want to be involved, email brad at artmeetsearth dot org (that's the email address in spambot proof form).

Overview of the Issue

While a few communities in our county have excellent recycling services (Central Lake, Elk Rapids and nearby townships), Antrim County does not have any system that serves constituents in Bellaire, Mancelona or outlying townships.

"Borrowing" recycling drop-offs in Acme, Kalkaska, Emmet, Charlevoix, downstate or anywhere else where we don't live is UNFAIR. Would you stop funding your own fire department or schools knowing you could "borrow" Traverse City's? Of course not.

The Antrim County Solid Waste and Recycling Council is currently following the guidance of the citizen-approved Solid Waste Master Plan, and working towards a comprehensive recycling system with far broader impact in the county.

How does it work? Through PA 138, the county cooperates with interested townships and contracts with waste hauling/recycling companies to set up 24/7 recycling bins. Township boards must vote to pass a resolution approving this relationship with the county; they then charge a small yearly fee (no more than $25, and likely to be closer to $16-20) on the winter tax rolls to cover the costs of the program. Because the county contracts the work out for every township, greater cost savings and efficiencies are achieved. Because recyclable products are being diverted from a landfill-based waste stream, that means less $$ spent each year on expensive garbage bags!

This is a grassroots, citizen led campaign to bring recycling to Antrim County! Read below to find out how you can get involved.

Talking Points

1 - It’s the right thing to do for the environment.
Recycling reduces air pollution and carbon emissions and requires less water than virgin processing.
Recycling reduces the groundwater contamination risk from landfills (Wexford County, anyone?) and surface water contamination risk from incinerators.
Recycling protects natural resources like forests and prevents erosion.
Recycling creates enormous energy savings over new manufacture; between 40% and 80%, depending on the material.

2 - We have a responsibility for our own waste stream and energy use.
Antrim county residents are stealing a public service from Traverse City and other neighbors!
The more we recycle and recover resources, the more independence we gain from international oil, foreign mines, foreign products, etc. In fact, Americans are recycling as much now as we did during WWII.

3 - Recycling supports the Michigan economy.
The recycling industry accounts for over 5,000 jobs in Michigan, including $137,000,000 in payroll, and nearly 2 billion in revenue statewide (from the MRMP: The Economic Impact of Recycling study, Michigan Recycling Coalition 2001).
Though market prices shift (as with any commodity) the overall market has been growing.

4 - Recycling is affordable.
For the cost of a dozen garbage bags/household we can have county wide drop-off recycling, particularly as landfilling is likely to become more expensive over time, and as recycling programs develop greater efficiencies.

5 - Recycling supports the natural beauty, rural character of Antrim County.
Along with protecting lands for recreation and protecting our water, recycling programs help to attract visitors to our area.

6 - PA 138 funding is fair.
Act 138 spreads the cost over parcels, rather than a millage or a book-purchasing program. No single township or segment of the citizens bears the cost.

7 - PA 138 is simple.
Act 138 focuses only on recycling, so it won’t interfere with other waste management programs in your township.

8 - Recycling is in demand in Antrim County The public survey shows overwhelming support - in the area of 93% or higher in many townships.

9 - Recycling is an important component of the Antrim County Solid Waste Plan.

10 - A Recycling program now can be used as a launch pad for better future waste management practices.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Contact your county commissions

Contact your county commissioners to let them know you support recycling in Antrim County.
county commissioners map

District 1

Jerroll Drenth
9273 Sunrise Drive
Ellsworth, MI 49729
231 588 2384

District 2

Eugene D. Dawson
4289 Mitchell Road
Central Lake, MI 49622
231 544 6460

District 3

Larry Bargy
6585 Cairn Highway
Kewadin, MI 49648
231 264 8587

District 4

Jack White, Chairman
10877 US-31 South
Williamsburg, MI 49690
231 264 8291

District 5

David Howelman
5842 Fisherman's Paradise Road
Bellaire, MI 49615
231 533 8878

District 6

Michael Crawford
7157 Crystal Springs Road
Bellaire, MI 49615
231 377 9236

District 7

Laura Stanek, Vice-Chair
5688 Stanek Road
East Jordan, MI 49727
231 582 9002

District 8

Bernie Blackmore
P.O. Box 265
Mancelona, MI 49659
231 587 5162

District 9

Joseph Allen
9858 S M-88 Hwy
Mancelona, MI 49659
231 587 8096